What is Plasma Fibroblast Therapy

Plasma Fibroblast Therapy

Fibroblast skin rejuvenation is an advanced cosmetic procedure offering a non-surgical solution to firm and enhance sagging skin. Suitable for various body parts such as the face, neck, arms, knees, and abdomen, this modern technique utilizes plasma energy. This energy boosts collagen production, effectively tightening and refreshing aging skin, all without the need for surgical interventions or injectable treatments.

The Mechanism Behind Fibroblast Skin Firming Treatment


Fibroblast skin firming is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that employs a specialized device resembling a pen, known as the plasma pen, to enhance and tighten the skin. This device releases a series of small, controlled bursts of plasma, or electrically charged gas, onto the targeted skin area.


During the treatment, the plasma is applied in a swift, tapping motion on the skin’s surface. These tiny bursts of plasma heat the top layer of the skin, creating micro-damage. This damage, in turn, activates the body’s natural repair mechanisms, particularly stimulating the fibroblast cells in the skin’s dermis layer.

Fibroblast cells are vital for skin health, as they produce essential proteins such as collagen and elastin. The micro-injuries caused by the plasma pen accelerate the activity of these cells. As a result, the fibroblasts rapidly increase the production of these skin-rejuvenating proteins.

Over a period of 8 to 12 weeks, as the healing process progresses, the increased collagen production leads to tighter, more elastic, and firmer skin. This process effectively rejuvenates the skin, giving it a more youthful and refreshed appearance through natural skin remodeling.


Advantages of Fibroblast Plasma Skin Treatment

Fibroblast plasma skin treatment stands out as a favorable option compared to traditional methods like laser treatments, chemical peels, and cosmetic surgeries, offering several key benefits:

  1. Non-Surgical Technique: This treatment tightens skin effectively without the need for surgical incisions, anesthesia, or a recovery period, causing minimal discomfort.

  2. Natural-Looking Enhancement: The therapy gradually firms up sagging skin, yielding subtle and smooth results that avoid an unnatural, overly-tight appearance.

  3. Minimal Adverse Effects: Patients may experience minor side effects like small bleeding spots, redness, swelling, or scabbing, which typically resolve within a week or two, without any long-term complications.

  4. Durable Results: The skin-tightening effects of this treatment are long-lasting, with the improvements enduring for several years, subject to the individual’s skin aging process.

  5. Quick Return to Daily Activities: Most individuals can resume their regular routine soon after the session, with any swelling or redness usually subsiding within a few days.

  6. Comprehensive Aging Signs Improvement: The therapy addresses multiple aging symptoms, including wrinkles, fine lines, skin laxity, enlarged pores, and uneven skin texture, offering an overall skin rejuvenation.

Universally Applicable: Safe for all skin types and hues, the treatment is even appropriate for sensitive areas such as the eyelids and neck, where skin might be thinner and more delicate.


Preparing for Your Fibroblast Skin Firming Session

To ensure the best results and a smooth experience with your fibroblast skin firming treatment, follow these essential preparation steps:

  1. Limit Sun Exposure: Keep your skin away from direct sunlight for at least two weeks before your session. Tanned or sunburned skin cannot be treated effectively.

  2. Pause Certain Skincare Products: Stop using skin products containing retinoids, retinol, and alpha hydroxy acids one week before the treatment to reduce skin sensitivity.

  3. Shaving Requirements for Men: If the treatment area includes facial regions, men should shave the area on the day of their appointment. Avoid waxing or plucking hair in the treatment zone for six weeks before the session.

  4. Cleanse Your Skin: Ensure that the area to be treated is thoroughly clean. Refrain from applying any lotions, oils, makeup, or sunscreen on the day of your treatment.

  5. Consider Pain Management: A numbing cream might be applied before starting the procedure to enhance comfort. Taking oral pain relievers before the session is also an option.

  6. Stay Relaxed and Stress-free: No additional special preparations are needed. Arrive for your treatment relaxed and with the area to be treated clean and free from any products.

 Procedure Overview: Fibroblast Skin Firming Treatment

During a typical session of fibroblast skin firming treatment, you can expect the following steps:

  1. Skin Cleansing and Numbing: Initially, the specialist cleans the area to be treated. A numbing cream is then applied and left for about 30 minutes to ensure a comfortable experience.

  2. Plasma Pen Calibration: The practitioner tests and adjusts the plasma pen on a practice skin area. This process involves a distinctive popping noise and the appearance of a small brown dot when the pen contacts the skin.

  3. Application of Plasma Flashes: The pen is smoothly passed over the skin, emitting brief plasma flashes. These create a pattern of tiny marks on the skin, accompanied by a continuous popping sound during the treatment.

  4. Sensation During Treatment: The flashes produce a sensation similar to a hot pinprick. This is generally tolerable, thanks to the heat generated and the numbing cream. Sensitive areas like eyelids and lips may feel more intense.

  5. Customization of Treatment: The intensity and number of plasma pen passes are customized based on your skin’s condition and desired results. Often, a single pass is enough for noticeable skin firming.

  6. Duration of the Procedure: The treatment usually takes between 30 to 60 minutes, varying with the size of the area being treated. Smaller sections, such as the eyelids, can be done in one session.

Post-Treatment Appearance: Immediately following the procedure, the skin may show tiny brown dots from the plasma flashes, along with possible mild swelling, redness, and tenderness. Cooling the skin with cold air and soothing with aloe vera gel can help alleviate these symptoms.

 Post-Treatment Care and Healing for Fibroblast Skin Firming

After undergoing a fibroblast skin firming session, patients can anticipate a straightforward and relatively brief recovery process. Key aspects of the recovery include:

  1. Initial Skin Reaction: For the first 2-3 days post-procedure, it’s common for the treated skin to appear red, swollen, and feel tender. Using cold compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate these symptoms.

  2. Formation of Scabs: Within a day after the treatment, small scabs will form over the areas where the plasma pen was applied. These scabs play a crucial role in shielding the newly forming collagen beneath the skin’s surface.

  3. Natural Scab Shedding: The scabs typically fall off on their own within 7-14 days. It’s important to avoid picking or scratching them to prevent scarring. Gentle skin cleansing and applying a moisturizer can help soothe the skin during this time.

  4. Skin Appearance Post-Scabbing: Once the scabs have come off, the skin underneath will generally look smoother, tighter, and more toned. The complete and final results of the treatment, however, may take 8-12 weeks to fully develop.

  5. Use of Makeup: Makeup can be applied to cover any redness about 5-7 days after the treatment, but it’s advised to wait until all scabs have fallen off before applying makeup directly to the treated areas.

  6. Sun Protection: Direct sun exposure should be avoided until the skin has completely healed. Consistent use of a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is recommended thereafter to preserve the treatment results.

  7. Activity Restrictions: It’s advisable to refrain from strenuous exercise, undergoing facials, or visiting saunas for about two weeks following the procedure.

  8. Future Sessions: If needed, additional fibroblast treatments can be scheduled every 4-6 weeks. Typically, 1-3 sessions in total are sufficient to achieve the desired skin tightening effect.

 Ideal Candidates for Fibroblast Skin Firming Treatment

Fibroblast skin firming treatment is a beneficial option for a range of individuals seeking to address signs of aging and skin laxity. The ideal candidates for this treatment typically include:

  1. Age Group: Individuals, particularly in the age bracket of late 30s to 60s, who are experiencing mild to moderate skin sagging, often find this treatment effective. It is especially suitable for those beginning to notice early signs of aging.

  2. Targeted Areas for Improvement: This therapy is apt for those looking to enhance and firm areas prone to sagging, such as eyelids, eyebrows, the jawline, and the neck.

  3. Concerns About Facial Aging: People concerned with facial wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, lips, cheeks, and forehead can benefit significantly from fibroblast treatment.

  4. Post-Pregnancy or Weight Loss Skin Tightening: Individuals aiming to tighten loose skin, particularly after pregnancy or significant weight loss, may find this treatment helpful.

  5. Improving Skin Textural Issues: Those seeking to improve the appearance of cellulite, acne scars, and stretch marks on various body parts can consider fibroblast therapy.

  6. Preference for Subtle Rejuvenation: This treatment is ideal for people desiring a subtle and natural rejuvenation of the skin without the need for extensive downtime or dramatic changes.

  7. Alternative to Invasive Procedures: Fibroblast is a suitable option for those who are not ready or do not wish to undergo more invasive procedures like a facelift.

  8. Limitations Due to Health Conditions: It’s a viable option for individuals who, due to certain health conditions, are unable to undergo surgical procedures.

  9. Desire for Natural-Looking Results: Those who prefer results that are natural-looking and not overly done are good candidates for fibroblast therapy.

However, it might not be suitable for people with very thin or fragile skin. A consultation with a provider can help determine if fibroblast skin firming is the right choice based on individual skin conditions and goals.

 Popular Treatment Areas for Fibroblast Plasma Skin Firming

Fibroblast plasma skin firming is a versatile treatment that effectively targets various areas for skin rejuvenation and tightening. The key areas often treated include:

Facial Regions:

  • Forehead: Effective in diminishing horizontal wrinkles and frown lines.

  • Eyebrows: Useful for elevating drooping eyebrows.

  • Eyelids: Ideal for tightening and lifting both upper and lower eyelids.

  • Under-Eye Area: Helps reduce wrinkles, under-eye bags, and dark circles.

  • Cheeks: Aids in lifting sagging skin and smoothing out wrinkles.

  • Upper Lip: Reduces the appearance of vertical lines around the lips.

  • Neck: Tightens loose, crepey skin and reduces horizontal neck bands.

 Body Areas:

  • Stomach: Tightens skin that has become loose or saggy, often post-pregnancy or after significant weight loss.

  • Buttocks: Lifts, firms, and smooths the skin in the buttock area.

  • Inner Thighs: Addresses issues of loose, dimpled skin.

  • Knees: Tightens skin around the knees that may appear crepey or loose.

  • Upper Arms: Effective in firming and smoothing the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Additionally, smaller areas such as the jawline, chin, chest, elbows, and hands can also see significant improvements from fibroblast plasma skin firming treatments.


Determining the Number of Fibroblast Sessions Required

The effectiveness of fibroblast treatments in enhancing skin firmness and texture is often visible after just one session. However, the total number of sessions required varies based on individual skin conditions and aesthetic objectives.

Typically, a series of 1 to 3 treatments, spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart, is suggested to achieve the best outcomes. Smaller areas, such as the eyelids or neck, might need fewer treatments compared to larger areas like the stomach.

During your initial consultation, your skincare specialist will provide personalized advice on the ideal number of fibroblast treatments for your specific needs. To extend the longevity of the treatment results, following a healthy lifestyle and a consistent skincare regimen is beneficial. Additionally, yearly maintenance sessions might be recommended to counteract the natural aging process.

The results of plasma fibroblast therapy are deemed long-lasting, as the treatment stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis. These proteins, essential for skin elasticity and firmness, gradually break down over time, so the treatment effects typically last between 1 to 3 years, after which a follow-up session may be needed to maintain the desired appearance.


Potential Side Effects and Risks Associated with Fibroblast Therapy

Fibroblast therapy, when conducted by a skilled professional, is largely safe with few associated risks. Nevertheless, patients might experience some side effects, which are generally temporary:

  1. Discomfort During Treatment: Some pain or discomfort may be felt during the procedure, but it usually subsides quickly.

  2. Immediate Post-Treatment Reactions: The treated area might show redness, swelling, bruising, and tenderness shortly after the session.

  3. Visible Skin Changes: As the skin heals, small brown dots and scabbing may occur, which are part of the normal healing process.

  4. Minor Bleeding: There can be pinpoint bleeding or slight oozing at the treatment sites.

  5. Infection Possibility: If the aftercare instructions are not adequately followed, there is a risk of infection.

  6. Changes in Skin Pigmentation: Some patients may experience hyperpigmentation, which typically fades over a few weeks.

  7. Texture Alterations: Mild textural changes, like small bumps or indentations at the plasma dot sites, may occur.

  8. Variability in Results: The effectiveness of the treatment might be compromised if inadequate techniques are used.

To minimize these risks, it’s crucial to select a qualified and experienced practitioner and adhere to the recommended post-treatment care guidelines. More serious complications like scarring and significant pigmentation problems are exceedingly rare with fibroblast therapy.

 Pricing for Fibroblast Skin Tightening Procedures

The cost of fibroblast plasma skin tightening treatments varies based on factors such as the location of the clinic and the expertise of the provider. Generally, the pricing for these sessions is as follows:

  • Smaller Areas (Eyes, Neck, Jowls): The price ranges from $500 to $1,500 per session.

  • Medium Areas (Face, Breasts, Knees): Costs for these areas typically fall between $1,000 and $3,000 per session.

  • Larger Areas (Arms, Abdomen, Buttocks): For extensive areas, the price can range from $1,500 to $5,000 per session.

Comparatively, fibroblast treatments are often more affordable than other surgical alternatives like facelifts, eyelid surgeries, or extensive laser resurfacing procedures. The cost for maintenance treatments, which are recommended every 1 to 3 years, is usually lower and involve less time than the initial sessions. To begin the process and get a personalized estimate, scheduling a consultation is advised.


Evaluating Fibroblast Treatment Against Other Skin Tightening Methods

Plasma fibroblast therapy is a popular skin tightening option, often compared to other methods. Here’s how it stacks up against various alternatives:

  1. Laser Skin Resurfacing: While ablative and fractional lasers are effective in skin resurfacing and tightening, they tend to cause more discomfort, involve longer recovery times, and pose a higher risk of scarring and pigmentation changes compared to fibroblast therapy. Laser treatments generally require multiple sessions.

  2. Chemical Peels: Light chemical peels offer modest improvements and primarily affect the superficial layers of skin. The results from these peels are not as significant or enduring as those from fibroblast treatments, and repeated sessions are necessary.

  3. Microneedling: This procedure boosts collagen production by using fine needles to create micro-punctures in the skin. However, it doesn’t involve heating or tissue damage like fibroblast plasma therapy, resulting in a more limited skin tightening effect. Several sessions are typically required for optimal results.

  4. Thermage: Thermage uses radiofrequency to heat the deeper layers of the dermis, stimulating collagen production. While it’s a non-surgical option for skin tightening, the results are more gradual and less pronounced than those from fibroblast treatment. Multiple treatments are often recommended.

  5. Ultherapy: This technique employs focused ultrasound to heat the foundational layers of the skin, leading to tightening effects that develop over two to three months. Fibroblast treatment, in comparison, might cause less discomfort and provide quicker, more noticeable results.

  6. Plastic Surgery: Procedures like facelifts, neck lifts, and eyelid surgeries offer more dramatic and immediate lifting of sagging skin. However, these surgical options come with extended recovery periods, greater risks, and higher costs compared to the non-invasive fibroblast approach.

Overall, for those seeking moderate skin tightening with minimal downtime, fibroblast plasma therapy emerges as a compelling choice. It can be effective when used alone or in combination with other treatments, such as laser resurfacing, for a more comprehensive rejuvenating effect.


Post-Treatment Skin Care for Fibroblast Plasma Therapy

Effective aftercare is essential for safe healing and optimal results following fibroblast plasma skin tightening. Here’s a guide to ensure proper care:

  1. Gentle Cleansing: Keep the treated area clean by washing gently with a mild soap and water once or twice daily. Avoid any harsh scrubbing.

  2. Moisturizing: Use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer such as Cetaphil to maintain hydration in the healing skin. Steer clear of perfumed lotions or oils.

  3. Sun Protection: Apply a mineral-based sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day to protect the treated skin. Minimize sun exposure as much as possible.

  4. Using Antibiotic Ointment: Apply a thin layer of an antibiotic ointment, like Polysporin, to the treatment sites to help prevent infection and support the healing process.

  5. Avoid Interfering with Healing: Refrain from picking at any scabs. Allow them to fall off naturally as part of the skin’s renewal process.

  6. Avoid Certain Environments: Keep away from pools, saunas, and steam rooms for at least two weeks post-treatment until the skin has fully healed.

  7. Showering Tips: Use lukewarm water for showers and gently pat the skin dry instead of rubbing vigorously with a towel.

  8. Sleeping Position: If possible, sleep on your back with your head elevated to help reduce swelling.

  9. Limit Physical Activity: Avoid strenuous exercise for about 10 to 14 days to prevent excessive sweating and potential irritation to the treated areas.

  10. Postpone Other Skin Treatments: Wait until your skin has completely recovered before undergoing other skin treatments like facials, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or laser therapies.

Adhering to these aftercare instructions will help ensure a smooth recovery and enhance the effectiveness of your fibroblast plasma skin tightening treatment.


Summarizing Fibroblast Plasma Skin Firming

Fibroblast plasma therapy is a cutting-edge, non-invasive technique utilizing plasma energy to firm and rejuvenate sagging skin areas like the face, eyelids, neck, and other body parts. It boosts collagen production and encourages the regeneration of healthy tissues, leading to gradual, natural-looking enhancements with minimal recovery time.

As a modern alternative to traditional approaches like facelifts, laser treatments, and injectables, fibroblast therapy effectively addresses wrinkles, sagging skin, and textural irregularities. Typically, noticeable improvements are seen within 1-3 treatments.

Administered by skilled professionals, this therapy is both safe and efficient. Post-treatment skin care is essential for the best results, with improvements evolving over 8-12 weeks and lasting for several years.


For those experiencing mild to moderate skin looseness or wrinkles, fibroblast plasma therapy offers a non-surgical solution for skin rejuvenation. A consultation can help determine if this innovative treatment is suitable for your skincare goals.