What is Combo Brows?

Combo Brows

Combo brows are a semi-permanent make-up method applied with a combination of both microblading and powder brows techniques to make eyebrows look fuller, more defined and shaped. This method provides a denser and 3-dimensional eyebrow appearance with soft shading as well as natural hair-like lines. The procedure usually takes two to three hours and is individually designed. In the first stage, natural hair-like lines are drawn on the upper layer of the skin using a fine-tipped pen or micro knife. Then, a light shading is added to the skin with the help of a special device. This combination makes eyebrows look both natural and full. Combo brows remain permanent for 1-2 years, and pigments that fade over time can be optionally renewed by retouching. Combo brows are ideal for people who have sparse, uneven or asymmetrical eyebrows and want a more defined look. At the same time, it is a perfect solution for those who want to achieve a denser eyebrow structure while preserving their natural eyebrow appearance. Post-procedure care is important to support the healing process of the eyebrows, and slight crusting and discoloration is normal, usually lasting a few days. Combo brows offer an advanced eyebrow design for those who want both natural and full eyebrows.

What is Permanent Eyeliner?

Permanent Eyeliner

Permanent eyeliner is a semi-permanent make-up technique applied to make the eyes look more prominent and attractive. In this method, pigments are injected into the skin with the help of a special device in the eyelids. Permanent eyeliner emphasizes the natural lines of the eyes and provides a lasting appeal all day long without the need for make-up. The procedure usually takes a few hours and is individually designed. In the first stage, eye lines are determined and the desired eyeliner style is determined. Then, pigments are carefully injected into the eyelids using a special device. This technique allows you to obtain an eyeliner appearance of the desired thickness and shape on the eyes. Permanent eyeliner can maintain its permanence for years, and pigments that fade over time can be optionally renewed by retouching. Permanent eyeliner is ideal for people who do not want intense eye makeup but want to achieve a distinct look. It also makes the eyes look more open and attractive in cases where the eyelids are droopy or uneven. Post-procedure care is important to support the healing process of the eyes, and slight crusting and discoloration is normal, usually lasting a few days. Permanent eyeliner offers a practical and effective solution for those looking for a natural and permanent eye makeup.

What is Nano Brows?

Nano Brows

Nano brows are an innovative semi-permanent makeup technique applied to make eyebrows look fuller and more defined. In this method, hair-like lines are drawn one by one on the surface of the skin using an ultra-thin needle. Nano brows provide a natural look similar to microblading, but since thinner and more precise lines are used, more detailed and realistic results are obtained. The procedure usually takes two to three hours and is individually designed. During the application, color pigments most suitable for natural eyebrow hairs are selected and placed on the upper layer of the skin. Nano brows remain permanent for 1-3 years, and pigments that fade over time can be renewed by retouching. Nano brows are especially ideal for people with thin, sparse or uneven eyebrows. It is also a perfect solution for those who want to preserve their natural eyebrow structure but want to have more defined and shaped eyebrows. Post-procedure care is important to support the healing process of the eyebrows, and slight crusting and discoloration is normal, usually lasting a few days. Nano brows offer an advanced eyebrow design for those looking for a natural and elegant look.

What is Powder Brows?

Powder Brows

Powder brows are a semi-permanent makeup technique used to make eyebrows look fuller and more defined. In this method, pigment is placed on the eyebrows using a special device, creating a powdery and shadowy effect. Powder brows provide an even fullness and soft appearance throughout the eyebrows. The procedure usually takes two to three hours and is individually designed. In the first stage, the shape of the eyebrows is determined and designed according to the desired appearance. Then, pigments are placed on the upper layer of the skin by lightly shading them with the help of a fine-tipped device. This technique makes eyebrows look naturally full and powdery. Powder brows remain permanent for 1-3 years, and pigments that fade over time can be optionally renewed by retouching. Powder brows are especially ideal for those who want an even and intense eyebrow appearance. It offers a perfect solution for those with sparse or shapeless eyebrows and gives a soft depth to the eyebrows. Post-procedure care is important to support the healing process of the eyebrows, and slight crusting and discoloration is normal, usually lasting a few days. Powder brows offer an advanced eyebrow design for those looking for a natural and elegant eyebrow look.

What is Ombre Brows?

Ombre Brows

Ombre brows is a semi-permanent makeup technique used to make eyebrows look fuller and more defined. This method is carried out with the help of a special device used to create a natural shaded effect on the eyebrows. Ombre brows provide a soft and powdery look achieved by gradually increasing the color intensity from the beginning of the eyebrow to the tip. The procedure usually takes two to three hours and is individually designed. In the first stage, the shape of the eyebrows is determined and designed according to the desired appearance. Then, using a special device, pigments are placed on the upper layer of the skin, making the beginning of the eyebrow lighter and the tips darker. This technique makes the eyebrows look fuller with a more natural and smooth transition. Ombre brows remain permanent for 1-3 years, and pigments that fade over time can be optionally renewed by retouching. Ombre brows are especially ideal for those who want to have natural but defined eyebrows. It offers a perfect solution for sparse or shapeless eyebrows and provides depth to the eyebrows, providing a younger and more vibrant appearance. Post-procedure care is important to support the healing process of the eyebrows, and slight crusting and discoloration is normal, usually lasting a few days. Ombre brows offer an advanced eyebrow design for those looking for a natural and elegant eyebrow look.